Friday, February 5, 2010

Diversity Visas Under Attack

Not that they benefit the Irish anymore!

Let's Abolish the Casino Visas – a Bit of Targeted Immigration Reform
... Why Ireland? Because about twenty years ago the Irish-American organizations noticed that the 1965 Amendments had both ... the country-of-origin quotas that had been so kind to Irish immigrants in the past and had substituted a family-based allocation system which made it very difficult for modern-day Irish immigrants to come to the U.S. legally. Further, the IRCA legalization of ...


Anonymous said...

I think that after the first 3 years these visas were world wide and equivalent to Berman visas. I will have to spend a half-eon in purgatory for my role in admitting so many Islamic radicals to the USA.

Legal Eagle
IIRM Veteran

Mike Haggerty said...

The diversity visa program was/is a scam foisted on soppy Irish-Americans who fell for it. In truth, the visas just brought in more people with anti-American, anti-West, anti-Christianity attitudes and actions.