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Do you really want Barack Hussein Obama as our next president?
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Forwarded by an Irish American GOP leader from Virginia
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty" - Patrick Henry
This is outrageous fear mongering and a very crude smear attempt. Any doubts I may have had about Obama have been erased by this disgraceful piece. I wasn't going to campaign for him, but now I will.
Fact: Obama refuses to wear an American flag on his lapel
Fact: Obama will not place his hand on his heart during the playing of the national anthem.
Fact: The radical anti American Rev. Jerimiah Wright was/is - Obama's mentor.
Fact: Obama numbers among his friends radicals who have committed acts of violence against this country and against NYC in particular.
Fact: Obama is the most liberal/leftwing U.S. senator.
Fact: Obama and his wife have made disparaging comments about white people. (Imagine if John McCain had made similar statements about African - Americans!)
This is not fear mongering. These are facts, which must be placed before the electorate to allow it to make the best decision. If they were not facts, they would indeed be smears. . . but they are facts! All candidates for the White House should be minutely scrutinized. Or are you saying that only Obama should get a pass?
Pat H.
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